About Me

Top Holistic Medicine Practitioner in the local area

Modern mainstream medicine is nothing short of miraculous, whether you're based in the local area or anywhere around the world. However, experts agree that we can be too quick to request prescriptions to cure what ails us – perhaps the answer for some health conditions could lie in alternative medicine. As well as providing much needed rest and relaxation, at E-Veda we specialise in treatments like acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic treatments and osteopathy. If this sounds good to you, contact us through our booking form

Our staff know what they're doing

Alternative medicine, much like mainstream medicine, takes many years to understand and practice. If you are looking for an experienced and knowledgeable practitioner to guide you through the journey, then look no further. Understanding the practices is as important as undertaking them, and it's imperative that your guide has an innate understanding of each and every therapy you encounter. With my many years of experience and many happy clients, you can trust in me to provide a calm and nurturing environment every time.

Our Holistic Medicine Team

We believe that there is a place for both modern medicine and holistic treatments when it comes to what's really important – make sure that you are fully able to be your best self, day in and day out. Once you make an appointment with us, we'll discuss what we do with you directly, so if you have any questions or concerns, we can address them with you.


By appointment only

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